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Complessità e sue applicazioni interdisciplinari - Pavia AA 2003-2004
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1. Complessità e sue applicazioni interdisciplinari - Pavia AA 2003-2004
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Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Collegio Ghislieri
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori
European School of Advanced Studies in Methods for Management of Complex Systems International University M. Sc. Degree in Complexity and its Interdisciplinary Applications

Academic Year 2003-2004

The University Institute of Advanced Studies (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, IUSS) of Pavia was founded as a Program Agreement with the Ministry of Education, University Studies and Research by initiative of the University of Pavia together with the Pavia Colleges recognized by the Government Ministry as highly qualified cultural institutes and the ISU (the Institute for the Right to University Study). The IUSS promotes advanced highly specialized pre- and post-university level educational programs, designed to be flexible and to meet a need for social training in a cooperative European framework. The European School of Advanced Studies in Methods for Management of Complex Systems is inaugurating an International University Master’s program in “Complexity and its Interdisciplinary Applications” in the Academic year 2003-2004.

The School will graduate students with outstanding scientific and professional abilities and skills who are trained in and aware of the cultural, technical and managerial components of complex systems science and its diverse applications. Its students will be involved in the working world as well as that of basic and applied research, where they will tackle potential problems of highly complex realities, including modeling, simulation and control. Areas of specialization will include: Economics and Finance, Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling, Microelectronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology. The School’s basic philosophy is to blend an increasing need for interdisciplinary methodology and the practical necessity for specialization in specific fields. One of the School’s primary objectives is to launch its students into the professional world, and priority is given not only to the needs of large corporations, but also to small and medium-sized companies. The program of the Master’s degree includes varied and complementary aspects of complex systems science, covering diverse areas of specialization, which may vary from year to year.

The International Master’s course in 2003-2004 will be divided into two different phases. During the first phase, about six months, approximately 500 hours of lectures and seminars will be given. The second phase will consist of an internship in a company for a minimum period of three months. The Master’s academic phase is structured to include two parts (Fundamentals and Methods) that are common to all students, and a third, final part (Applied Fields) where students opt for one out of two main thematic areas: • Industrial Applications and Information and Communication Technology, • Financial Risk Management and Data Mining. The first part of the course, dedicated to Fundamentals, provides students with the basic theories of complex system science in order to give all students a similar level of academic background. The second part, focused on Methods, will prepare students to use the appropriate computational and quantitative tools necessary to the field of complexity. The third and last part, organized thematically, is devoted to the specific field of specialization to be chosen by the student. In consideration of the School’s aims, the teaching faculty will comprise internationally recognized experts hailing from the University of Pavia, as well as from other Universities and Italian and foreign Research Centers and Government Agencies and include respected professionals from the commercial and business world. The internships are designed to expand students’ knowledge of a specific aspect of their applied field of study. They will be carried out in collaborating companies under the guidance of an in-house company tutor. At the end of the internship, students will submit a written report for evaluation by the Scientific and Organizational Committee. Upon completion of the program, candidates will be awarded an International University M. Sc. Degree in “Methods for Management of Complex Systems” with a specialization in “Complexity and its Interdisciplinary Applications”, in accordance with the academic regulations of the University of Pavia.

Fundamentals (first part): Probability and statistics; Software tools and Programming; Introduction to physical and mathematical modeling; Economics and business management. Methods (second part): Classical computational methods; Data mining tools and Soft computing, Multivariate statistics and Machine learning; Complex systems dynamics; Complex organizational structures and management. Applied fields (third part, student elective): • Industrial Applications: automation, mechatronics and microdevices; • Information and Communication Technology : new mobile scenarios, value added services; • Financial Risk Management: market, credit and operational risk; • Data Mining: customer relationship management; web, text and genomic mining. The program calls for a full-time commitment on the part of its students who attend lessons from Monday to Friday. Classroom attendance is compulsory.

The School is open to students of any nationality graduated in scientific, technological and economic disciplines. Up to twenty five candidates will be admitted to the Master’s program. A good knowledge of English and an appropriate scientific, quantitative and computer background are required.

Location - The Course’s academic activities will be conducted in Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia. Enrolment fees and scholarships - The fee for enrolment in Academic year 2003-2004 is 5000 Euros. Residential accommodation and the supplementary costs of living in Pavia are to be paid by the student. The Pavia University College System will make many of its facilities available to enrolled students. A certain number of scholarships will be made available to deserving students. For further information and a copy of the application form: e-mail:

Professor Roberto Schmid
Rector of the University of Pavia
President of the University Institute of Advanced Studies

Prof. Giorgio V. Goggi
School Director

Prof. Andrea Belvedere
Dean of Collegio Ghislieri
Date: 05 Aug, 2003 on 12:09
Complessità e sue applicazioni interdisciplinari - Pavia AA 2003-2004
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